Home Environment TAKE ACTION: “Make Detroit the Engine of the Green New Deal!” Today...

TAKE ACTION: “Make Detroit the Engine of the Green New Deal!” Today from 4pm-7pm


If the recent news about the impending climate crisis has you down, there are essentially two paths that you can take. Option 1 is business as usual, either through blissful ignorance or perpetual anxiety. The other option, which is the one we would recommend, is to take action to directly address the root of your concerns, which also happens to be one of the most important challenges that humanity has ever faced.

Today from 4pm – 7pm in Detroit, you can be a part of a direct action in Detroit that is happening in coordination with the Democratic Presidential Debate that will be happening this evening in our fair city. “Make Detroit the Engine of the Green New Deal” is a demonstration that has been built through the coordination of many organizations, you can find one of several Facebook events here. The rally will take place from 4-5:30pm at Cass Park, which will then be followed by a march to the debate starting at 5:30pm. Read the description below, and be sure to join in on the movement for a brighter, greener future!



“Presidential candidates are coming to Detroit for a public, televised debate on July 30 – the eyes of the nation will be here. Let’s make sure our voices are heard.

From the Civil Rights Movement and the fight for clean, affordable water to the Worker Rights Movement and fight for economic solidarity, Detroit’s historic and living movements have served as a real engine for many national movements.

The story of Detroit mirrors many stories across our land. Corporate interests have captured our democracy and disinvested in our communities at the expense of everyone else, especially Black and Brown communities. Today Detroit, Flint and other rural and urban communities across the state have been deemed “sacrifice zones,” with pollution dumped in our backyards, our schools closed, our homes foreclosed, and our democratic rights violated by emergency managers, all while billionaires get tax breaks for new stadiums and corporate development.

Elected officials supporting the ongoing theft of our lands, public resources, our homes, and our pocketbooks have refused to take action as they endanger the futures of our children with ecological, climate, and economic crises.

To tackle these challenges, Detroit needs what people need everywhere – good, clean, local, union jobs, affordable and clean water, clean air, and a livable future for all of us and our loved ones to thrive. We need to build a fair, green economy that serves the needs of people and planet (human need, not corporate greed). We need to deepen, broaden and strengthen our democracy and people power.

The people of Detroit are ready to build this better future together – It’s time for all local, state, federal and tribal governments and community leaders to stand with us.

Join us as we work to make Detroit the Engine of the Green New Deal.

We will have ASL interpreters at the rally from 4pm – 6pm.

Hosted by the Frontline Detroit Organizing Committee*

*East Michigan Environmental Action Council, Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition, We The People Michigan, 48217, Detroit People’s Platform, Breathe Free Detroit, Greater Detroit DSA, SEIU, Sierra Club, Next Gen Michigan, Sunrise, and the Climate Justice Alliance.”

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